Good night, sleep tight!

Malavika K
2 min readJun 15, 2021


Sleep is one of the most important factor for a healthy life. Sleep deprivation can lead to a lot of problems both physically and emotionally. What we do before going to bed can also have an impact in our lives, for it is always good to end your day in a high and positive note. Here are some suggestions on a list of things to do before going to bed:

Say no to electronics

This is one of the most important things that successful people follow. This is a great way to get rid of stress. Peeping into your phones is not good for health and you may end up sleep deprived. One of the main causes for sleep deprivation is watching your screens before going to bed. Although it may be a difficult practice to adopt, try to do it gradually.

Choose your dresses for tomorrow

It may seem silly but it really helps in case if you are late. It is also handy if your chosen dress has some flaws in it. You can ditch that dress and choose something else.


What is read before bed is registered in your brain forever. It also gives you a sense of relaxation and paves way for a good night’s sleep. You can substitute your screen gazing with books. Reading also helps in falling asleep soon.

Finish your meals two hours before sleep

Late meals or late snacking leads to the risk of developing heart disease and diabetes. It also disrupts the body’s biological clock. When you eat just before going to bed, chances are high that you may have a disturbed sleep.

Wash your face

It is important to remove make-up before going to bed by washing your face. Make-up leaves behind impurities on our face that are tough to get rid of. It also disrupts the skin’s natural healing process.


Take some minutes to jot down or think about what you are grateful for before going to bed. It makes our brain positive and reduces stress and anxiety. It also gives you a good sleep.

Spend time with family

This is a very good practice. It gives you a sense of support and encouragement, especially if you had a bad day at work. It is a great way to get connected. Hence, allocate time for this.


This is a great way of falling asleep soon and getting a good night’s sleep. Meditation can do wonders for your mental and emotional health. After a good meditation, you feel deeply relaxed and the result is that you end up sleeping tight.

Hope you have a great sleep tonight. Good night!!

